Episode 11 – The Socially Conscious Individual of 12 to 18years

This episode presents the development between 12 and 18 years. The third stage of development is similar to the first stage of development in many ways. The child goes through several changes, transformations like in the first stage. The child is newly born during adolescence again as he has a new set of physical and psychological characteristics. He is getting prepared for the social life of society. Now, he needs a different prepared environment called ‘Erde-Kinder’ (Children of Earth). In these youth settlements around villages, the adolescents develop faith in themselves, gain economic independence, participate in social life and get ready for the bigger adult society. Tune in!

Episode 10 – The Tough Guy of 6 to 12years

This episode presents the developmental needs and characteristics of children between 6 and 12 years. Children of this age group are lean and tall but are strong and do not easily fall sick. They are outwardly bound and keen on exploring society. They have moved from ‘what’ to ‘Why’ questions and are interested in knowing what is fair and unfair, differentiating right from wrong.
Tune in!

Episode – 7. The Non-Conscious Powers

This episode presents the non-conscious powers: Absorbent Mind, Horme and Mneme in the Spiritual Embryo. While the Absorbent Mind absorbs the elements from the environment, the Mneme incarnates whatever absorbent mind has absorbed. Horme drives the child to accomplish the tasks. The child will not retain these powers forever. Once the conscious powers like Intelligence, Willpower and conscious memory are developed, the non-conscious powers, Horme, Mneme and Absorbent Mind, gradually decrease and fade away.

Episode – 6 The Spiritual Embryo

This episode discusses how the child is born incomplete compared to the animal babies. At birth, the child has eyes but no sight, ears but no listening, hands but no grasp, legs without coordination. In short, the child is almost a mass of flesh. During the first days of life the spirit is blown into this mass of flesh. Nature has provided the child with the powers to create his future being.

Episode 4 – Metamorphosis

This episode explores the idea of metamorphosis in children. Ordinarily, metamorphosis is associated with Insects and frogs, which go through striking transformations in their life cycle. Contrary to the popular belief that development is constantly upward, the child’s development has ups and downs, births and rebirths, and metamorphosis in mental and physical aspects! This is exactly how the child develops.

Episode 3 – Natural Laws of Development

All living and non-living things in this world are influenced by some power. Human beings are not exempt from this. The child also develops according to the rules laid by that power which Maria Montessori calls Natural Laws of Development. Understanding these laws helps us to support the child better. This episode provides a brief introduction to the Laws of Development.

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