Discovering Grammar

Generally, people think Grammar is difficult. This is because grammar is seen as a separate entity that should be learnt in the classroom and should be forgotten after writing exams. We often hear students and even adults saying grammar was “the toughest” in school. Many even feel that grammar is difficult and of no use for the students, and has to be removed from the school curriculum, or make as simple as possible. All this is because of the way and time grammar has been taught.

Difference between the Montessori and Traditional Schools

traditional schools. To answer this question in simple terms – in Montessori schools, children learn through play[1]. The children in Montessori schools are free to move around the classroom and choose the activities they want to play with. In contrast, the children in traditional classrooms, sit in one place and copy from the blackboard. Even the best traditional preschools have a limited amount of games or play periods.